Thursday, December 22, 2011

How should I proceed with this Student loan/divorce issue?

My ex and I were divorce in the state of Kansas in 2001, with consolidated student loans. I paid for the divorce, and he kept the house, timeshare and most of the belongings. I really wanted out... Our divorce states "both parties agree to waive any maintenance or alimony" and also it states "The parties have student lans which shall be divided equally between the parties with Petitioner making the payments during even months and Respondent during the odd months" Here is the problem...I have been making payments to him, I didn't agrue when I should have and hosed myself in the divorce. So he has refinaced in his name. I have no control in this loan and am sitting here making payments to him. I UNDERSTAND THAT I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MONEY I OWE!! but I wasn't suppose to have to make payments to him and I can't always afford to pay him every month. It is very hard to get a personal loan to cover this and pay him off!! Plus what is an exceptable amount. Help! What's a good resolution?


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