Thursday, December 15, 2011

Do I take my daughter to the ER?

My daughter will be 1 year old in a week. Wednesday she got a cough. Fever started on Thursday when she woke up, it was 102. We saw her doctor, he gave me some tips to try and clear up the cough, some medicine for her fever, and said to watch her carefully. Her fever, since then, has gone down when we give her the meds but comes right back. It has fluctuated from 100.8-103, and when it goes down with the medicine, it only goes down to 98.9. She's still rather playful but for considerably less time than normal. She's having bad drainage and a choppy sleep pattern in the last few days, and won't eat as much regular food- she's fine with formula, juice, water... really all liquids, but solid food is an issue right now. Do I take her to the ER or just wait on a call back from the doctor?


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