Monday, December 12, 2011

Did Jesus refer to the Law in a manner that indicated division of it into two parts?

Jehovah's Witnesses say no and quote both Matthew 5:27-28 and Exodus 20:14 (the Seventh Commandment). Illogical? Yes, because the Seventh Commandment constitutes the rule of law against the premeditated crime of adultery perpetrated by humans. Moreover, the Ten Commandments comprise the law of God; a law that is LOVE; and, the fulfilling of which is LOVE. By contrast, the Seventh Commandment is entirely different and seperate from Matthew 5, which refers to the physical law of divorce. According to Deut. 24:1, divorce comes from a CODE of physical laws known as the works of the law; whereas, the Ten Commandments are spiritual. (Romans 7:14) That being said, Matthew 5, merely shows the spiritual intent of the law against Adultery. Question: do I speak the truth?


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